Monday 5 December 2011

Film Theory 1 - the auteur

Auteur – a filmmaker, usually the director that produces movies which are characterised by their own creative style
Auteur (Sarris) 1962 – the technical competence of the director, the director’s distinguishable personality and interior meaning
Auteur – French for ‘author’
Audre Bazin – ‘Cahiers du Cinema’

History of film as the history of auteurs
·         like artists
·         original work
·         creative control
·         personal film language
·         start the conventions of a genre but does not follow them

Critique of the auteur
·         presents a canon made by ‘elites’, usually males
·          disguises the work of the other people in the film, (screen writer, editor, etc)
·         Offers universal view of quality
·         Used to sell a film just by using the name of the auteur

Alfred Hitchcock - The Auteur

His technical competence
·         expressionist lighting
·         story telling by using visual elements, especially in the silent era of film
·         use of the subjective camera
·         use of the ‘dolly zoom’
·         clever use of montage and cutting to create tension in spite of the production code (1939-60)
His personality shown through films
·         expressionism – evokes emotion
·         cameo appearances of the director
·         using the same actors
·         use of blondes
·         suspense
- Suspense is generated when the audience can see the danger that the characters cannot see
Themes that are often revisited
·         ordinary people caught in extraordinary events
·         mistaken identity
·         espionage
·         murder
·         madness
·         sly wit
·         macabre sense of humour
·         strong sexual themes
·         exploration of the human mind
·         ‘Hitchcockian’ suspense
·          ‘there is no terror in the bang of a gun, only the anticipation of it’
·         ‘always make the audience suffer as much as possible’

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