Friday 2 December 2011

Lecture 3 – Graffiti/ Street Art

Graffiti – Latin ‘Graffiato’ – to scratch
- Lascaux cave drawings – scratched with animal bones with natural pigment
- Ancient Roman graffiti – political drawings, caricatures found on walls
- WWI – US Kilroy/UK Chad
- Paris May 1968 riots graffiti – Civil unrest inspiring cultural and creative material

Urban Graffiti
- In 1970’s New York, spray can graffiti evolved alongside him hop culture, became visual language of   the street, a way for artists to gain attention
- Jon Naar, photographer, 1973 – ‘Majority of graffiti comes from the low-class, neglected hispanic or African-American population’
- Jean- Michel Basquiet – SAMO
-  Jean Holzer – Times Square Show 1980 - Video game culture – a comment on lack of availability of brands and technology in Eastern bloc – Feliz 1984 – space invaders tiles resemble pictures ‘invader’

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