Monday 6 February 2012

Second storyboard

After having difficulties with animating some of the scenes in my first storyboard, I have decided to keep the basic ideas and start again. However, this time there will be a small plane and big plane interacting with each other, much like the relationship between the big and small lamp in Pixar's Luxo jr.

I began to think of what a plane, specifically a warplane, would play with. My first ideas being the guns they are fitted with. In the end, I decided to use a parachute, this way I could implement the principles of animation more effectively than in my previous storyboard.
The story begins with both planes flying. The parachute floats down and the small plane sees it and begins to play with it. The big plane, the father figure, starts to get annoyed and tells the small plane to stop it.
Hopefully, this simple narrative isn't too hard to animate. I think I will have some trouble with animating the parachute naturally.

Here is my second storyboard-

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