Tuesday 1 November 2011

Context of Practise - Postmodernism

Some people believe that the post modern age does not exist
Modernism is associated with
                - experimentation
                - innovation
                - individualism
                - progress
                - purity
             - seriousness

Post modern condition associated with
                - exhaustion
                - pluralism
                - pessimism
                - disillusionment with the idea of absolute knowledge
Note – Modernism and post modernism may overlap
                                - expression of modern life/ culture/ technology
                Post modernism
                        - reaction to modern life/culture/ technology

Origin of postmodernism

1917 – German writer, Rudolph Pannwitz spoke of ‘nihilistic, amoral, postmodern men’
1960’s – beginning of postmodernism
1970’s – postmodernism is established as a term
1980’s/1990’s – dominant theoretical discourse
today - postmodernism is worn out

Uses of the term postmodernism

- after modernism
- Historical era following modernism
- contra modernism
- equivalent to ‘late capitalism’
- artistic/ stylistic eclecticism
- 'global village', a globalisation of all cultures

Charles Jencks – ‘modernism died at 3.32pm on 5th of July 1972
Date of the demolition of the Pruitt, Igoe development, St Louis
Demolition of the Pruitt revealed failure of modernism and modernist projects

Modernism reduces human aspect
'utopia' a 'world city', where each city is identical

- Questions everything
- reaction to modernism rules
- only rule is that there are  no rules
- celebrate what is known as ‘Kitsch’
- starts as a critique of international style
- critique began with architects

Modernist buildings are perfect on paper however unrealistic in reality
e.g. run down flats Park Hill, Sheffield

J-F Lyotard
                - ‘the postmodern condition’ 1979
                - ‘incredulity towards meta narratives’
                                - meta narratives – totalising belief systems
             - the result is a crisis in confidence

Instead of modernist ideals we have postmodern aesthetics
                -complexity, chaos
                -high art/ low art divide is beginning to crumble

Robert Venturi – ‘Las Vegas is a postmodern city’ 1972
Modern city – utopia
postmodern city - dystopia

1950’s – pinnacle of modern painting/ formalism
1984 – new depthlessness
advertising is the greatest art form
postmodernism is cynical

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