Tuesday 1 November 2011

Context of Practise - Modernism

Modern – 1600’s meaning
                -contemporary or as good as the classical works
John Ruskin – 1800’s meaning
                -contemporary, pre Raphaelites
Modern – present meaning
                - up to date
Modern is an important part of what has gone before
Fashion/ consumer culture all rely on what is currently modern

1900 Paris – a city of modernity
After Paris is New York
Competition for being modern
This modernity began 1700’s
Some say modernism ended in 1960’s
We live in post modern era?

Industrialisation, urbanisation, communication, new leisure, vice, electricity, new technology
All caused modernism
All centred in city
caused life to speed up

– new way of looking at the world
- gives new perspective

Race/competition for modernism
                England – Great Exhibition 1851
                Paris – Paris Exposition 1855
                And so on every five/ten years or so
‘Process of rationality and reason’
Enlightenment – period in late 18th century when scientific/ philosophical thinking made leaps and bounds

City begins to develop its own identity
Modernism led to world time for ease of use
e.g. train times

modernism increased loneliness/isolation
fashion became key way of expression
shown in paintings of that time

Paris 1850’s – new Paris
Old Paris architecture of narrow streets and random housing bulldozed
Haussman redesigns Paris
Large boulevards in favour of narrow streets – (easier to control people?)
Poor/lower class moved to outskirts of Paris
City centre becomes subject to Modernism, to art
Growth of psychology- last boundary – led to critical thinking of art
Society controls art and view of art not other way around

Fashion becomes a way to show of wealth and importance in society
New art forms and techniques
e.g. pointillism
- pointillism due to studies in optical sciences, of light and colour

Degas Painting
Subject drowns sorrows in free time due to hard life
Photography changes the composition of painting as seen in Degas painting]

The Kaiser panorama 1883
People prepared to pay to see things and places in the Kaiser Panorama rather than going out and seeing it for themselves

Max Nordan 1892 – anti modernist

He begins to think about the subjective experience – the experience of an individual in the modern world
We begin to come close to understanding modern art and modernity
art abandoned realism for expression

Modern design – anti historicism
                - never looks back, always looks forward
                - truth to materials
                - form follows function ( although not always)
                - technology
                - internationalism

Adolf Loos, 1908, Ornament’s Crime essay. ----------Read!

                - language of design that could be understood and recognised on an international basis

                - new materials
                - mass production
                - cheap materials


Modern is not a neutral term, it suggests novelty and improvement
Modernity (1750 – 1960) – a social and cultural experience
Modernism – a range of ideas and styles due to modernity

Importance of modernism
                - a vocabulary of styles
                - art/design educates
                -idea of form follows function

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