Tuesday 1 November 2011

Moving Image Analysis

'Corporate Cannibal' is a commentary on consumerism and large businesses. The video begins with the unnatural grotesque movement of what is later revealed to be Grace Jones. She takes on this appearance throughout the video, changing form suggesting that she isn't quite human. This is possibly a reference to the large and often cold nature of big businesses that often hide behind a human and almost friendly mask to acquire customers. This form also brings to mind a parasite or leech. This is again suggested by the title 'corporate cannibal'. Corporations often have an outward appearance to the liking of the consumers they are directed at, however this is not always the case. Grace Jones is presenting herself as the true face of business, cold and distant.

This could also be a reference to the consumer as they constantly demand more products. Like Grace Jones in the video, she always seems to be hungry and wanting more. The video often shows only her mouth, disturbing imagery suggesting that this is all she is, a hungry mouth always consuming things. This imagery resembles that of Francis Bacon's Triptych, both are grotesque, animalistic masses with mouths. If the Triptych could move they would move like this.

The lyrics 'Your meat is sweet to me' suggests that she is addicted to products and  reminiscent of programs such as QVC where the consumer is often addicted to buying products. She makes references throughout that showcases this animalistic behaviour. 'Every man, woman and child is a target', she suggests that corporations view their customers as faceless people, she regularly calls them meat on a plate. Perhaps she is suggesting that the real consumers are these corporations that try to lure in everyone to garner profit.

The video is monochrome and showcases hard, sharp lights to highlight the grotesque features and make them ever more present in the video. The heavy, industrial music accentuates these previous themes and further highlights the very mechanical way business is done.

At the end of the video, she begins to gnash her teeth showcasing this animalistic behaviour more than ever revealing her true self and possibly the true faces of corporations and the effects of consumerism.

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