Sunday 25 March 2012


Cybernetic theory is useful for researching how as a designer your work makes effective communication

Three levels of potential communication problems -

Level 1  Technical  Accuracy
  Systems of encoding and decoding
  Compatibility of systems/need for specialist equipment or knowledge

Level 2  Semantic  Precision of language
  How much of the message can be lost without meaning being lost?
  What language to use?

Level 3  Effectiveness  Does the message affect behaviour the way we want it to?
  What can be done if the required effect fails to happen?


Three basic concepts-

- Semantics
  - the meaning of a sign

- Pragmatics
  - context of a sign

- Syntax
  - relationship between signs

- Communication as the extension of the mind and of the nervous system

Rhetoric - useful for thinking how you are going to communicate certain affects to an audience


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