Short animated film directed by Rodrigo Blaas. Blaas is primarily an animator known for his work on Pixar movies including Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Cars, Alma is his first work as a director.
You should watch the video before reading.
Alma from Rodrigo Blaas on Vimeo.
Alma cleverly uses suspense and the anticipation of the moment throughout the film. Everything in the film sets up alarm bells for the audience and gives us clues of what the outcome will be. Naturally, we don't want this to happen so the anticipation is the scariest moment rather than the actual scene itself.
As Blaas worked for Pixar, Alma's art direction resembles that of Pixar's. However, through the use of narrative and atmosphere Blaas has made Alma unique.
Another film that I found, Road's End, also relies on anticipation. Road's End was a student's final year project. Although it doesn't match in terms of Alma's budget, Road's End still features beautiful animation and produces the same effect Alma does showing that a good narrative will always be the drive force in animation.
Road's End- A Short by Bri Meyer from Bri Meyer on Vimeo.
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