Wednesday 18 January 2012

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Since its announcement in January, I have been looking forward to playing Uncharted 3. I admit I was skeptical about Drake's Deception and what they would do to break away from the similar and often predictable narrative of the first two games. However, Naughty Dog has yet to disappoint me so I kept my hopes up.

In my opinion, the narrative drives the game. Although the game has amazing graphics, the narrative is very unpredictable diverging from the first two games. It is a really satisfying experience watching the story unfold by itself. I say this as Uncharted is extremely linear. Some don't like this but I think it is a breath of fresh air, what with a lot of games becoming free roaming. The linearity strengthens the plot and development of the narrative and the characters. Uncharted just wouldn't be Uncharted without its linear plot line.

Naughty Dog has spared no expense into making Uncharted one of the most beautiful game worlds ever  and Drake's Deception is the best looking one yet. The game constantly brings you into new environments that are equally diverse as they are stunning. Naughty Dog have added new features such as fire and sand which look realistic and really immerses you into the game.

Uncharted 3 features a new gameplay system that has gained different opinions. The aiming and gun play is a lot slower, it is no longer an option to scroll across the screen while aiming meaning you really have to think about who you shoot at. Hand to hand combat has been revamped and upgraded allowing the use of new moves and integration of hand to hand with gun play. This is a fun new feature as it the combat was basic in the first two games. Another feature that I enjoyed was that you can now throw grenades back at your enemies.

Naughty Dog have also improved the AI. They now cooperate with each other and move around with you. Gone are the days where you and your enemies could hide behind barriers safely shooting at each other. You really have to watch your back, I had to plan and change tactics according to the environment and the behavior of the bad guys. However, a new addition that can be an annoyance is the increasing number of bullets an enemy can take. When I shoot a bad guy in the head I expect him to die, if not with two shots or a shotgun.

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception is a really fun and immersive, if not slightly short, experience that, in my opinion, is one of the best games around

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