Monday 21 May 2012


Dishonoured is a game that looks very promising. Being developed by several talented developers, including Viktor Antoniv, the man behind Half Life 2's City 17 and Harvey Smith, Dues Ex, Dishonoured is a bioshock-esque game set in a city of corruption, magic and deadly plots.
The game follows Corvo, an ex-bodyguard for the empress, blamed for her murder and left to die in a prison. After receiving magical powers from an unknown benefactor, Corvo seeks to find out the truth in a city rich in poverty and corruption.
Corvo's powers range from freezing time, jumping great heights to possessing rats and fish. All of these powers provide several varied means to carry out assassinations. You don't even need to kill anyone in the game. The game is so varied in this way that the developers looked towards game testers to carry out creative means of completing the mission whether a killing spree or a cautious assassin aiming for just the one kill.
Dishonoured is scheduled for release in October this year and I leave you with the trailer.

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