Monday 14 May 2012

Who Am I?

How do personality types work in favour or do they create barriers for other people?
How much do your skills say about your personality?
How do others perceive you?

- the extrovert has a source of energy generated from the external world whereas introverts are the opposite.
-Which fits best? I or E?

- sensing means that a person believes information he receives mainly from the outside world. Intuition means that the person believes the information he receives internally.
- Which fits best? S or N (intuition)?

- thinking means that a person bases their decision mainly on logic. Feeling is based on emotion.
- Which fits best? T or F?

Judging - Perceiving?
- Judging means that someone organises their information and sticks to a schedule. Perceiving means that they are more likely to improvise and seek alternatives.
- Which fits best? J or P?

My personality type - I,S,F,P

indicating that I am an artist, seeing much but shares little.

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