Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Eugenio Recuencio

Eugenio Recuencio's is a photographer known for his experimentation in combining contrasting ideas and media. His recreations of these classic fairy tales turn these seemingly innocent stories into decadent, gritty pieces of artwork. These photographs may be a callback to highlight the original gruesome nature of these stories.
I have also tried to produce a more mature retelling of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. However, I have been taking ideas more from the Original Greek myth Eros and Psyche. What I am worried about is that the player will not understand that my game is related to the story of the Beauty and the Beast. Recuencio's work has reminded me not to make my ideas to obscure for my audience not to understand them. I may need to add or change assets to ground these ideas and to make sure all players will be able to understand the origins behind the game level.

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