Monday 14 May 2012

Social Media Success

Top 21 tips for successful social networking and blogging:

  1. Be Social. Talk about other people and their work
  2. Visit Other Blogs. Read the blogs of your peers and comment on their work.
  3. Respond To Comments. Acknowledge you reader and their will be encouraged to comment again.
  4. Be Generous. Be constructive with your comments.
  5. Subscribe By Email. Adding this feature may bring in more people.
  6. Share. If you think you have something in common with a reader, share things that might interest them.
  7. Know What You Have Posted About Yourself. Keep your profile up to date.
  8. Assume That Everything You Post Is Permanent. Even if you delete a post, their may be records somewhere.
  9. Be A Conduit. Look out for things that might interest your audience somewhere else on the web. Your blog will become the place to go to receive information that they like.
  10. Be Original. Don't replicate information that is elsewhere on the web. Think of new ideas and write in your own words.
  11. Create A News Feed. Choose some artists, musicians or writers that interest you and create a Google News Feed so your fans can follow them.
  12. Credit Your Sources. Include links to your sources to give your ideas some authority.
  13. Use Keywords. Label your posts with relevant titles.
  14. Interview Somebody. Bring the focus to someone else in a Q&A or video.
  15. Post Frequently. Post enough to keep the interests of your readers.
  16. Fun Widgets. If you must have widgets, don't have so many that they could put of the audience.
  17. End With A Question. Reach out to people by asking them their opinion. Generate conversation.
  18. Left Align Your Writing. This makes it easier to read and better to look at.
  19. Use Paragraph Breaks. Every time you begin a new idea or post start a new paragraph. Keep things neat.
  20. Don't Copy And Paste From Word. This is a blog and may mess it up.
  21. Stick With It. Don't give up too easily. Stick with it to make it worthwhile.

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